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Stock20.000 motors in stock
Service24/7-vervanging en oorzaakanalyse
SpeedSnelle offerte en levering
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Stock20.000 motors in stock
Service24/7-vervanging en oorzaakanalyse
SpeedSnelle offerte en levering
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Stock20.000 motors in stock
Service24/7-vervanging en oorzaakanalyse
SpeedSnelle offerte en levering
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Evelina Nederlof

After nine years at the Municipality of Nieuwkoop, Evelina entered the business world. A surprising step when you know that she started her career by studying orthopedagogy. The world of finance, however, seems to suit her better. “Via Veluweportaal I entered into talks with Kolmer and it felt good right from the start. I’m familiar with the SMEs from my work as an assistant accountant and immediately thought; this is a nice company. And that turned out to be the truth. The atmosphere is good and I noticed from day one that everyone is enthusiastic and motivated.”

Evelina’s career steps show that she is not afraid of a challenge. She can think logically and see connections which are valuable qualities for this function. In addition, Evelina is helpful, accurate and reliable. Books that balance make her happy and you do her a great pleasure with an interesting research job. “How to make things better or more insightful, that’s what I like to work on. I enjoy helping people move forward and take an organisation to the next level.” Evelina is responsible for the financial administration and monthly reports within Kolmer. She is also a sparring partner for Management and takes on projects. “The function will take further shape over time and grow with the developments Kolmer is going through.”

“I moved from Nieuwveen to Uddel in 2020. Lovely to walk here in the beautiful forests.” Evelina loves to explore nature and can really enjoy a good book. “I’m proud of where I stand now and glad I ended up at Kolmer. The company is continuously evolving in becoming even better than it currently is. I feel welcome here and really keen to do my bit!”

Need advice?

Sales team
(from left to right)

Jan Bakker, Salesmanager
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Barry Grevengoed, Sales representative
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Jerry Spanhaak, Sr. Sales engineer
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Chris Huygens, Sales engineer
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Marcel van Kekem, Sales engineer
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Karljan Heberle, After sales
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Dinand van Pelt, Sales engineer
Bel 0341 - 369 696|Stuur een E-mail

Alice Teunissen, Sales support
Bel 0341 - 369 696 | Stuur een E-mail

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